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Combs Valley High Class of '89 - Extras

Forge's Swimming on Land. Can really change the vibe of any instiution. Sting's second favorite book after Dune.

Press release for Hubba Hubba Cosmetics new lipstick. Ignore the haters and protestors. Embrace your inner amorality.

Book Drufus the Marvelous for your next special celebration! Getting divorced? Make it a MARVELOUS divorce! Saying goodbye to a loved one? Why not make it a magical goodbye?

Rita's expertise is unparalled in the Combs Valley market. Turnover rates here are high, which means it's a buyers market! Make Combs Valley the last place you'll ever live!

The one, the only, the harbinger of infectious melodies and swinging hips. That's right folks, it's DJ Slim Rick, here to usher you into a new age of groove. All bookings qualify for 20% off if you give him a place to crash for the evening.

All images by Sam Reiss

Promo video for Combs Valley High Class of '89 made from public domain footage

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