For their first offering to the Bone Charioteer, Friends of the Bone Chariot presents Welcome to Madawaska.
March 20, 1949
Madawaska, Maine
Four travelers
One missing woman
Welcome to Madawaska - The Trailer
Last stop, Madawaska.
Chapter I - We Must Find Her
Stella Cyr is missing. Her distraught husband, Vernon Cyr, welcomes the help of some friends, new and old, in searching for her. The group doesn’t pay for any of their drinks at the local watering hole, Lucy’s.
Chapter II - Does Anyone Have Any Yellow?
The search for Stella Cyr uncovers some disturbing information about Stella’s work. Ines and Rose go to language school. Kris and Skiff check in on old man Zadok. The Gateway Motel is pet friendly! Madawaska’s only musician performs a soothing ballad at Lucy’s.
A snowstorm shuts down Madawaska. Vernon decompresses and wins a wager. A mysterious visitor pays a late night visit to the Ward Manor.
Chapter IV - A Lover of Caves
It’s all clear now. WKTM's own Glenn Heart hosts the weekly call-in show The Buck Starts Here. Loose ends are tied up.
The End?